Our Giant Economic Cage
Our giant economic cage is highly recommended for your sugar gliders. We would not allow more than 3 or 4 adult sugar gliders to live in it.
The dimensions for this cage are approximately 30” long, 18” deep and 55” high. The bar spacing is ½” so that your sugar glider babies or adults can’t squeeze through the cage wires. There are two carrying handles, one on each side of the cage. There are 4 wooden perches included with it. This cage has a pullout tray underneath the wire bottom for easy cleaning. It is very lightweight and easily disassembled/assembled for cleaning. We recommend this cage for indoor use only.
This cage can easily be decorated with lots of toys and sleeping facilities and contains plenty of room for your gliders to romp and play.
Assembly is required and we recommend using pliers to crimp the cage together so there are no openings that your gliders could possibly squeeze through.
Our giant economic cage is available in black or white.
$140.00 shipped